Image for 10 Best Practices For Building a Strong Remote Developer Community

30 Aug 2024

10 recommended practices for creating a robust community of remote developers

With the popularity of remote work, one of the careers that have made it to the top of the list of ‘work from home jobs’ is software development. As a result, many companies prefer to hire remote developers due to it's many advantages. There is no doubt that the process of hiring remote developers is complicated but once done, the next step of maintaining and managing this remote developers community is also a challenging task. This is why we have created this article to help you in managing and maintaining a strong and productive remote development team.

10 best practices for building a strong remote developer community

# 1. Cultivate a Shared Vision and Purpose

At the heart of any strong remote developer community is a shared vision, a common goal that everyone can get behind. It’s something that literally holds the community together, giving each member a sense of belonging and direction. Here are some tips on how to improve the concept of a shared vision in your community. 

# 2. Implement a Structured Onboarding Process

Bringing new members into a community is challenging yet intriguing. A well-structured onboarding process makes them feel comfortable, valued, and ready to contribute from day one. How can you do that? Here are some tips:

# 3. Foster Open and Transparent Communication

In a remote community, communication is the lifeline that keeps everyone connected. It’s about making sure every voice is heard and every member feels included. Here are some simple ways for you to do this: 

# 4. Prioritize Continuous Learning and Development

A thriving remote developer community is one that never stops learning. Prioritizing continuous education not only keeps the community dynamic but also helps members grow and stay ahead in their careers.

# 5. Encourage Collaboration on Open Source Projects

Working together on open source projects can turn a group of individuals into a real community. It’s a chance for members to collaborate on something meaningful, contributing their skills to projects that matter.

# 6. Build a Strong Support System

A strong support system is the safety net for your community. It reassures members that, even though they’re remote, they’re never really alone, they’ve got a whole community backing them up. This also highly impacts employee performance. Here's how you can do this:

# 7. Facilitate Regular Virtual Events and Meetups

Virtual events are the heartbeat of a remote community. They’re the moments when members come together, share experiences, and build the relationships that make a community feel like home.

# 8. Promote Diversity and Inclusion

A truly strong community is one where everyone feels they belong. Promoting diversity and inclusion makes the community richer and more vibrant. It also helps in establishing yourself as a respected and inclusive agency in the competitor market. Here are some relevant tips:

# 9. Create Opportunities for Networking and Mentorship

In a remote developers community, connections are everything. Networking and mentorship opportunities help members build those connections, opening doors to personal growth and career advancement.

# 10. Measure and Iterate on Community Engagement

Building a community is an ongoing process. To keep your community strong, regularly check in on how things are going and be ready to make adjustments as needed.

Hire Your Remote Development Team With Blue Coding 

We are sure that the tips discussed in this article will surely help you establish your agile remote development team and will help you keep it productive and strong. However, the first is of course to find the right candidate from the remote developers community that fit your specific project requirements. This is where Blue Coding steps in for you. We are a nearshore outsourcing agency that is renowned for connecting its clients with the best Latin-American talent. Founded back in 2014, we have completed 10 years of top-notch services. Contact us now and schedule your free strategy call to learn more about how we can help you boost your business.

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