It’s no secret that saving money on development costs it’s essential these days. Whether that is through cost-effective alternatives to traditional recruitment or less expensive processes, cutting down on costs is something most if not all organizations currently strive for - especially within the IT industry. There are many ways to go about this, but choosing development tools and tech stacks that will contribute to cost savings is one of them. Now, Ruby On Rails is a web development framework with a long-standing reputation for both its reliability and its programming affordability. This Ruby-based framework works because of two main factors: Ruby On Rails is extremely manageable and Ruby is a concise, effective language. With that said, hiring Ruby On Rails developers takes time and requires an understanding of what’s needed to command this framework with absolute proficiency - which is why today's post is all about the 30 best interview questions for Ruby On Rails Developers. Keep reading to learn how to hire Ruby On Rails developers!
What is Ruby On Rails Development?
Let’s get to the basics first. What is Ruby On Rails? Ruby On Rails, often shortened to Rails, was created in 2004 by David Heinemeier Hansson while working on the codebase for the project management tool Basecamp. Since then, Rails has gained widespread popularity in the web development community and has been used to create various successful web applications such as Github, Shopify, and Airbnb. The framework has earned its outstanding reputation thanks to a clear focus on simplicity, productivity, and convention over configuration. In fact, it’s exactly this approach that has made it easier for Ruby On Rails developers to create complex web applications with minimal coding, leading to faster development times and more efficient solutions for organizations like yours.
Why Should Your Company Hire Ruby On Rails Developers?
Hiring Ruby on Rails developers offers several advantages for your project. With its focus on convention over configuration and simplicity, Ruby on Rails enables rapid development, allowing developers to build applications quickly. The framework's cost-effectiveness, coupled with its large tech ecosystem, helps to streamline development and reduce costs during the process. Plus, Ruby On Rails developers also need to have a strong command of the Ruby programming language, meaning your company would be recruiting IT professionals with versatile skill sets. Though, before you can hire Ruby On Rails developers, you first need to know how to best asses their skills and technical knowledge. Read the following interview questions to learn more!
30 Best Interview Questions For Ruby On Rails Developers
Can you explain the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and how it is implemented in Ruby on Rails?
What are the advantages of using Ruby on Rails over other web frameworks?
How would you optimize the performance of a Ruby on Rails application?
Can you explain the concept of "convention over configuration" in Ruby on Rails?
What are the different types of associations in ActiveRecord and how would you use them in a Rails application?
How do you handle authentication and authorization in a Ruby on Rails application?
What is the purpose of migrations in Ruby on Rails and how do you create and run them?
Can you explain the role of the asset pipeline in Rails and how it works?
How would you handle background jobs in a Ruby on Rails application?
Can you describe how testing is done in Ruby on Rails and what tools or frameworks you would use for testing?
Have you used caching in a Ruby on Rails application? If so, how did you implement it and what benefits did it provide?
How would you handle errors and exceptions in a Ruby on Rails application?
Can you explain the purpose of gems in Ruby on Rails and give examples of gems you have used in your projects?
What is RESTful routing in Ruby on Rails and how would you define routes for a resource?
Have you worked with APIs in Ruby on Rails? If so, can you describe how you integrated an external API into your application?
How would you implement internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) in a Rails application?
Have you used any performance monitoring or debugging tools in Ruby on Rails? If so, which ones and how did they help you?
Can you explain the concept of "fat models, skinny controllers" in Ruby on Rails and why it is considered a best practice?
How would you handle file uploads in a Ruby on Rails application?
Have you worked with WebSocket technology in Ruby on Rails? If so, can you describe how you used it in your project?
Can you explain the purpose of the "before_action" callback in Rails controllers and give an example of when you would use it?
How would you implement pagination in a Ruby on Rails application?
Can you explain the purpose of the "respond_to" and "respond_with" methods in Rails controllers?
How do you handle database transactions in Ruby on Rails and when would you use them?
Have you used any background job processing libraries in Ruby on Rails? If so, which ones and why did you choose them?
Can you describe how you would implement caching in a Rails application using Redis or Memcached?
How would you handle nested resources in Ruby on Rails routing and controllers?
Can you explain the purpose of the "has_many :through" association in ActiveRecord and give an example of when you would use it?
Have you used any authentication or authorization libraries in Ruby on Rails? If so, which ones and why did you choose them?
Can you describe a challenging problem you faced while working on a Ruby on Rails project and how you solved it?
Ready To Hire Ruby On Rails Developers For A Lower Cost?
If you are interested in hiring Ruby on Rails developers for a lower cost and within a faster timeframe, your company might just need our expert outsourcing services. At Blue Coding, we can help you leverage the expertise of skilled developers located in nearshore countries - particularly in Latin America - where development rates are far more affordable. As part of our nearshore development services, we'll connect you with experienced Ruby on Rails developers who can work remotely on your projects, helping you reduce development costs while still ensuring a high-quality development process. The best part of it is that every detail, from technical vetting to background checks, is handled by our expert technical recruitment team to take the weight of the hiring process off your back. Contact us today to learn more about our IT outsourcing solutions!