Image for How To Hire Developers In Peru: Things To Know In 2023

13 Oct 2023

What You Should Know About Hiring Developers in Peru in 2023

In 2023, the world of software development is growing fast, and businesses need more and more skilled developers to create digital stuff. They are not only looking in their own countries but also in places like Peru. Peru is a country in South America known for its culture and lots of people with skills in tech. The software market in Peru is also growing - it's expected to get 7.16% bigger from 2023 to 2028, and it will be worth about $328.50 million in 2028. So, this blog is all about what you need to think about when you want to hire software developers in Peru. Whether you're a small company trying to find new team members or a big one looking for good and affordable developers, this blog will help you understand the ABCs of hiring developers in Peru.

Peru - A Technologically Advancing Country

Peru is becoming a better place for technology, and one area that's growing a lot is software. Experts estimate that it will increase by about 5.50% between 2023 and 2028, and in 2028, the total money in that market should be around $1200 million. This is a sign that Peru is getting really good at technology, and many people are excited to give it a shot when it comes to nearshoring their development needs. Peru is making great efforts to further advance its tech sector, like making good-quality outsourcing and remote work laws and giving help to tech companies that want to start. This is making it easier for new tech businesses to grow and thrive. All of this makes Peru a great option for outsourcing and is also great for people who want to work in the field of technology and software development.

Things to Know When Before You Hire Developers in Peru

In 2023, outsourcing software development to Peru is definitely a great decision, given the country's extensive talent pool, financial benefits, and alignment with U.S. business culture. However, potential challenges such as language barriers and historical political instability should be acknowledged. Rigorous vetting of developers and partners is important for ensuring a productive and successful outsourcing experience within Peru's rapidly growing tech sector. In this section, we explore the top crucial things that developers need to be aware of before they hire developers in Peru. 

Peru's Booming Software Development Sector

In 2023, the software development sector in Peru underwent a significant transformation, emerging as a key player in the global outsourcing industry. This transformation reflects the country's rapid ascent in the field of software development. The increasing recognition of Peru's capabilities as a software outsourcing destination has led many businesses to consider this Latin American country, along with many others, for their software development needs. Peru's growth in this industry is a testament to its evolving reputation and expanding market presence.

Key Advantages of Outsourcing to Peru

Peru boasts a multitude of advantages for companies seeking to outsource their software development. One standout benefit is the technical prowess you get when you hire Peruvian developers. These professionals benefit from a strong higher education system and training infrastructure. With a talent pool exceeding 38,000 developers, businesses have access to a diverse set of skills and competencies, which is invaluable for tailoring development teams to specific project requirements.

Financial Benefits of Outsourcing

Financial considerations are a significant driving force behind the decision to outsource, and Peru offers compelling advantages in this regard as well. The average annual salary for software developers in Peru is notably lower than in the United States. Despite the variance in income, the quality of work remains consistently high. This wage disparity can be attributed to the lower cost of living in Peru and does not compromise the quality and dedication of the country's software engineers.

Talent Retention and Cultural Alignment

In Peru, when you hire a Peruvian developer, you can expect them to stick with your project with full dedication, and developers from Peru usually do not mind working long-term with their clients, given their experience is good. This makes it easier to get help after the project is done, and the work quality stays the same. Also, Peruvian developers are good at working with U.S. companies because they have similar work values and communication skills.

Time Zone and Collaboration

Effective collaboration is one of the key steps of successful software development projects. Unlike many outsourcing destinations with considerable time zone differences, Peru offers a minimal time difference, making real-time communication and collaboration a seamless experience. This proximity is particularly valuable when compared to countries in disparate time zones, where coordinating project activities can be more challenging.

Robust Technical Infrastructure

Peru has made significant investments in information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure. Both government and private sector initiatives have contributed to the development of advanced technology hubs. These hubs are equipped with the latest tools and resources necessary for software development. The government's focus on IT development has further augmented the industry, boosted the concept of nearshoring, and has made US businesses motivated towards hiring LATAM developers.

Hire Developers in Peru with Blue Coding's Nearshore Software Development Services

The aim of this blog post was to provide you with efficient information that you must be aware of when you choose to hire Peruvian developers. However, we would recommend that you get an in-depth understanding of the nearshore software development laws of Peru to avoid any mishaps and to enable a seamless workflow with your team of Peru software development experts. If you want to hire LATAM developers in a more convenient and secure manner, specifically from Peru, you can collaborate with Blue Coding. We are a software solutions agency that assists US companies in nearshoring to Peru and other LATAM tech hubs. To learn more about our services and features, make sure to contact us now and we will set up a meeting! 

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