Image for The 5 Best Wireframe Tools For UX/UI Developers

30 Apr 2022

The Top 5 Wireframe Programs for UX/UI Designers

UX/UI development is a key element in the front-end development of any website or mobile application. This part of the development process is responsible for interactive and visual design principles that help to improve the overall user experience of a page or app. Considering that 88% of online shoppers say they wouldn’t return to a site or mobile app after a poor user experience, UX/UI design should be a priority for all developers. 

All great UX/UI development starts somewhere. Usually, this is an outline of the design made quickly and to guide the rest of the work. You can do this through different wireframe tools that allow you to develop an outline as easily as possible in order to save a significant amount of time in the process. This is why we decided to create a roundup of the 5 best wireframe tools in 2022. Keep reading to learn how to speed up your UX/UI development process!

The 5 best wireframe tools in 2022


Figma hero image

Figma is not only a stellar wireframe tool, but it also connects everyone in the design process. This allows for real-time collaboration on this all-in-one design tool built for UX/UI web development. Figma allows you to avoid repeating busy work and achieve maximum consistency across all team members. Because it’s cloud-based software, you have all the usual perks like auto-saving, easy access to multiple devices, and live editing. You can buy the entire Figma package or just use its free, online wireframing tool and Starter pack. 

Pricing: Free for the Starter plan, $12 per editor/month for the Figma Professional plan, and $45 per editor/month for the Figma Organization plan. 


Canva homepage

Canva is cloud-based design software that’s unanimously recognized as the place to search for prototype templates as well as one of the best wireframe tools for UX/UI developers. Canva's free templates for desktop, mobile, and tablet are fully customizable and available for free to anyone with an account. While it’s not a traditional wireframing tool, its versatile prototype components will help you speed up the UX/UI development process. 

Pricing: Free for the free plan, $54,99 a year for the Pro plan, and $30,00 a month for the Business plan. 


Balsamic home page

Balsamiq Wireframes is a rapid low-fidelity UI wireframing tool that will allow you to experience the feeling of sketching on a notepad or whiteboard. This interface focuses on functionality instead of colorful prototypes or aesthetic tools. It’s a simple tool that lets UX/UI developers focus on well-structured content with little to no technical details involved. There are three different versions of Balsamiq, one with cloud-based software, a Google Docs plan, and a desktop application. 

Pricing: $9/month or $90/year for 2 projects, $49/month or $490/year for 20 projects, and $199/month or $1,990/year for 200 projects. 

Adobe XD.

Adobe XD hero image

Adobe XD was specifically created to aid UX/UI designers in their creative development process. Its wireframing tool lets you create realistic prototypes that help you bring your ideas to life through mockups and wireframe layouts. You can create different create UI elements and define user flowcharts, navigational structure, and data architecture. 

Pricing: $9.99 a month. 


Mockplus home page

This is a UX/UI design platform created for prototyping, collaboration, and scalable development. Mockplus features several different components, icons, and interactions. You can streamline the development process without writing any complex code and create the perfect outline for your project. With the cloud-based software, the entire team can collaborate in real-time and access the data from any device at any time. 

Pricing: $199 per month for the Cloud Pro Annual plan and $399 for the Cloud Ultimate Annual plan. 

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