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26 Mar 2022

Why Am I Unable to Employ Software Developers?

Look, we hear you. Hiring software developers can be a challenge, especially if you’re new to remote recruitment and still surprised by The Great Resignation. It’s okay if you’re asking yourself “Why can’t I hire software developers?” every time your job ads get nothing but crickets and beginners with no practical experience in response. If this is your current situation, then there’s probably something you could be doing better to attract and find developers more easily. Keep reading to learn why you’re struggling when hiring developers!

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Hire Developers

Regional talent shortage.

With The Great Resignation, there’s been a rise in talent shortages all across North America. Local developers are opting to work as freelancers or start their own tech businesses instead of working as company employees. Add to this the actual shortage of experienced developers within our region and you start to notice the root of the problem. Because of this, we recommend nearshore outsourcing to gain access to a large international network of talented programmers. 

Your company image and reputation.

Skilled developers know their services are on-demand and want to work at a company that looks as professional as possible. Because of this, your company’s image has a huge impact on the efficiency of your job postings. If the image makes the company look professional, polished, and like a nice place to work, then you’ll have more developers asking to be interviewed. Your job ad itself has an impact on this image, so make sure it reflects the company’s values and is and doesn’t come off the wrong way! 

A pointlessly lengthy interview process.

Don’t quote us on this, but developers truly dislike eternal interview processes. There’s nothing more discouraging for a mind eager to work than a 5 step traditional interview procedure where they barely get a chance to prove themselves and their skills. Or worse, an endless trial assignment that feels more like free work than a chance to test their experience. These two scenarios are a recipe for trouble hiring developers. So go ahead and change your recruitment strategy. Add a live technical interview, cut a traditional one, and switch it for a case-oriented meeting. Just avoid having a process that will only refrain developers from wanting to join you!

Targeting talent that doesn’t fit with your team. 

Don’t approach developers that you’re not sure if they could even fit in with your team in the first place. Otherwise, you’re just wasting both of your time. Targeting local or nearshore developers that don’t mesh with your company culture will only make you not want to continue interviewing them and make them drop their candidacy for the job. Before you invite someone for a first or even second interview, make sure their background, LinkedIn personality, and experience are a good fit for what you’re looking for and your current team dynamics. 

Not playing your company’s strengths to hire developers. 

You need to make potential candidates interesting offers if you want to quit wondering why you can’t hire developers. We’re talking benefit packages, paid time off, and a few nice perks as well. Why? Because developers know they most likely have options, so they will decide based on every detail. This means your company shouldn’t only offer benefits and perks, but should also play their strengths when advertising for a new open position. Talk about your product, your recent growth, and your plans to keep improving the brand in the future. 

Want to stop asking yourself why you can’t hire software developers? Let us help!

Hiring developers, especially strong programmers, is not as easy as it might seem. It takes more than just posting a job ad and hoping to attract a few well-suited candidates. You need to have a clear strategy and a technical recruitment process in place. At Blue Coding, we understand that not everyone has time for this process, that’s why we offer staff augmentation and nearshoring solutions. We help you hire nearshore developers and handle all the recruitment, vetting, and payment procedures. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you find developers! 

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